So a passion that is just for you is a hard thing to find time for in an adult world. Most days we have so much pulling at us in different directions, mostly the dreaded "R" word, gulp...responsibilities. Which can make a dream feel out of reach. Photo taking isn't that hard to fit into life's adventures, family outings and impromptu photo shoots with family and neighbors have been easier to do but there is more to photography than taking pictures. Editing & sharing, learning gear and software, building a website and marketing were all part of photography that went weeks or even months between opportunities to focus on. This made it seem like it was not possible to do right now - 10 years later - here I was still not doing photography. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE taking pictures of my family and I LOVE my responsibilities as a wife and mom. God gave me this passion, He also gave me the peace to not be able to dive in while my children were young, He was back pulling on my heartstrings. This reminded me of a time during my college class years in my twenties. I was walking NW Portland, looking for buildings and doorways to capture and came across a bald motorcycle fellow, sitting in a doorway next to his bull dog, drinking a Starbucks. I couldn't find the courage to ask him if I could take his picture. I have never forgotten that moment. Now it was happening again - Gods tugs to my heart. We were camping with family last July, fishing on the dock while I spot this mom fishing with her family. Foot propped up on the bench beside her in a bright blue cast, toes sticking out to the sky. I would of attached a picture right here if I would of gotten the nerve to ask for it. This could have been discouraging instead it was a wake up call. People are uniquely beautiful and I want to capture it. I since have had a realization that opportunities are all around me and I may not be able to seize the day but I must seize the moment. Two things needed to happen: Remove distractions and be prepared for the moments. Life is full of time suckers -distractions: I started following a photography group so while checking on friends I see photo posts and tips too on Facebook, I cleaned up our email by marking all the store offers as spam and will find their deals there when I need them and mail or school work go right into bills/keepsake/or trash. Now I just need to get PTA on board, there paper usage is insane. Seems insignificant in part but all together de-cluttering life has freed my moments and mind to focus on bigger things. Preparing for moments: instead of being on Facebook here and there waiting on an appointment or the kids- Im prepared with photo tutorials, photo magazine or crochet bag (for my future baby shoots) to have worked on something photography related each day. Snuggles with morning cartoons and an afternoon family bike ride will always come first and I know the next opportunity to feed my creative soul is coming soon so when I have a photo shoot I'm ready! Whatever you're passion is - seize the moments! ~Elaine
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